I would like to welcome parents and students to
my blog.
Hopefully this will give you some guidance when
helping your child at home on the computer.
There are educational links on the side of the
page under the title Educational
Websites for Kids
This upcoming week we will be continuing our
learning on castles and The Three Little Pigs. Can your child retell the story?
Here is one of the many versions of the story.....
Also, here are the phonics phases sounds with
links to the specific phase.
Have fun learning!!
Miss Keeler
Phonics links:
Phase 2 sounds: s a t p
i n m d g o c k
ck u e r h b
f/ff s/ss
Phase 3 sounds: j v w x
y z qu ch sh th ng ai- rain
ee-see igh-high oa-coat
oo-too/look ar- car or- for
ur-fur ow-cow ii-coin ear-dear air-fair
ure- sure er-ladder
Phase 4: Review sounds of phase 2 and phase 3
sounds to consolidate knowledge. Also practising tricky word spellings.
Phase 5 sounds: Teaching of alternative spellings