Thursday, 8 November 2012

London living

Wow! It has been way too long since my last post and much has happened. I have settled into my new school now but I am still getting use to how things are done.  My blog is sadly blocked from the school server so I can not use it with my students.  I am very lucky to work alongside 3 other great teachers and we all teach the same year/grade. Here is some vocabulary differences that I am getting use to......

Canada England

Pants -Trousers
Period (.) -Full stop
Garbage can -Bin
Garbage -Rubbish
Dollar -Pound
Friend -Mate
Thank you -Cheers
Grade -Year

In my new school our school year is split up into 3 terms. Each term has a half term break which means that we get a week off school. Our half term break was last week so I went to beautiful Ireland. It was really exciting to visit ancient castles and to see mesmerizing scenic views.

P.s I am coming home for Christmas and I cannot wait :). 6 more weeks!

Here are some pictures from Ireland.

                                         Me kissing the Blarney Stone!