Thursday, 27 October 2011

Monday Memo

Monday 24: gym, orange out day
Tuesday 25: Estimation candy cart 25 cents a ticket, gym, music
Wednesday 26: music, Family picture night 5:30, Halloween treats $1, Miss Keeler away in the afternoon, school picture orders due!
Thursday 27: gym, Respect assembly 2:30, donut day $1
Friday 28: computer, popcorn sale 50 cents

Other important dates to remember:
October 31- Halloween party
November 2- picture retakes
November 17-18- Student led conferences

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Apple Printing

Here is 1K's fabulous fun apple printing we did last week! They had a blast.

Respect Award Winners for September

Congrats to the respect awards for the month of September for manners! Keep up the great work 1K!


Monday, 3 October 2011

What's up in !K This Week

·         Monday 3: gym, Magazine Fundraiser assembly kickoff
·         Tuesday 4: music, gym
·         Wednesday 5: music, Tolerance lesson (Respect)
·         Thursday 6: gym, School Picture Day
·         Friday 7: computer, TWAS due

Have a Great Week!