Sunday, 25 September 2011

1K Happenings this week.......

Monday 26: music, gym
Tuesday 27: music, Respect Assembly 1:00
Wednesday 28: gym, Terry Fox Run 3:00
Thursday 29: computer
Friday 30: Library books due, buddy reading, gym,
TWAS is due

Have a great week! :)

Monday, 19 September 2011

Monday Memo

Monday Memo
September 19 2011
Here is the run down for the week:

Day 2
·        Collecting pennies for Terry Fox
·        Miss Keeler away in afternoon
·        Music
·        Canteen is open
Day 3
·        Collecting nickels for Terry Fox
·        gym
Day 4
·        Collecting dimes for Terry Fox
·        Miss Keeler away in afternoon
·        computer
Day 5
·        Collecting quarters for Terry Fox
·        Library books are due back!
·        Buddy reading
Day 6
·        Collecting loonies/toonies for Terry Fox
·        gym

·        We are continuing to work on patterns in math. We will be working on Word Work in Daily 5!

Have a great week!
Miss Keeler

Friday, 16 September 2011

Gym Blast Fun!


Here are some pictures from this afternoons gym blast. They had a "blast"!





Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Important Dates

Sept. 8- First day of school for Students
Sept. 16- Gym Blast/Donut Day
Sept. 28- Terry Fox Run
Oct. 7- Picture Day
Oct. 10- Thanksgiving- No classes
Oct. 11- School PD- No classes
Oct. 21- SAG- No classes
Oct. 26-Family Picture Night
Nov. 11- Remembrance Day- No classes
Monday Memo (a little late this week)
Wed. September, 14 2011
There is some info for the week:
·        As of today, students will be bringing home agendas in their mailbags. Any notes or things I should know should be written in here. I will also be writing in here for a form of communication. Later on the grade 1’s will be writing in here too! The agendas were not put into the cost of school supplies therefore they are $7
·        Please pay student fees and return all information sheets as so as possible
·        Friday afternoon in the gym the school will be awarded with a gym blast for their respectful behavior
·        Friday is donut day for $1 to raise money for Terry Fox
·        This month we are working on manners for the respect program!
·        Library books were brought home today. Please respect and return the books by next library day, which is Thursday September 22. If your child does not return their book they are not able to take out a new one.
·        The kids have been absolutely great! It is a wonderful way to start the year! Keep it up J

Miss Keeler                                      

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Welcome to 1K

Wow! It is hard to believe how fast summer flew by. But, here we are in September and ready to start a new and exciting year. I am very lucky to be teaching your child this year. On the first day of school I will be sending home, which will feel like an overload of,  permission pages and forms. Please try to send them back as soon as possible. I can't wait to get to know you and your child!
This blog is to be used as an educational tool to keep you and your child informed on the day to day activities and events in our classroom and school. I will do my best to keep it updated!
I hope everyone is ready for a fun filled year of learning..... I know I can't wait.
REMINDER: Friday, September 9 is meet the teacher BBQ from 3-6